Project Io

Project Io is my first real project involving arduino (other than just trying out LEDs, servos, sensors, etc). The project was named after the homonym "Io", a Jupiter's moon, which was the first to be discovered by Galileu Galilei in 1610.

The name "Io" also refers to the acronym "I/O", largely used in computer related information, meaning In / Out of data to/from a given process.

The aim of this project is to develop 3 basic assets, to be used in future projects:
  • A serial, low weight protocol, allowing several different information to be exchanged between two devices
  • An Android application, to be used as a client in order to control / monitor a host device through a serial over bluetooth communication
  • An Arduino host application framework, allowing the control of several types of hardware pieces (LEDs, relays, servos, steppers, DC motors, sonars, and so on)

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